We've got the resources to help you

Quartet Architecture

Mark Chisholm Batten
The Courtyard
Herndon Road
London SW18 2DG

email: info@quartetarchitecture.com
website: www.quartetarchitecture.com

tel: 020 8704 0804
mobile: 07976 350819

Nick Leslie

12 Cornford Grove
London SW12 9JF

email: nickleslie@talk21.com
website: www.NGLArchitecture.com
mobile: 07936 098390

Ade Architecture

2 Munroe Terrace
Riley Street
London SW10 0DL

email: info@ade-architecture.co.uk
website: www.ade-architecture.co.uk
tel: 020 7993 8542
mobile: 07931 542830

Alex Tart Architects

3 Deodar Road
London SW15 2NP

email: alex@alextartarchitects.com
website: www.alextartarchitects.com
tel: 020 8780 2830
mobile: 07968 062798


Ronnie Beacon

email: info@bygga.co.uk
website: www.bygga.co.uk
tel: 020 7228 0374
mobile: 07855 808903

Doran Brothers Construction

Fintan Doran

email: info@doranbrosconstruction.co.uk
mobile: 07973 395413

Galway Hynes

3rd Floor
207 Regent Street
London W1B 3HH

email: paul.hynes@galwayhynesltd.co.uk
website: galwayhynesltd.co.uk
tel: 08007831033

Mascot Bespoke

Chris Scott
5 Square Rigger Row
London SW11 3TZ

email: enquiries@mascotbespoke.com
website: www.mascotbespoke.com
tel: 0203 475 4801
mobile: 07812 149217


Bellevue House
Althorp Road
London SW17 7ED

email: bookings@multiserve.co.uk
website: www.multiserve.co.uk
tel: 02086827700

RJ Builders

Rhodri James

email: rhodriljames@gmail.com
tel: 07796122404

Angelic Cleaning and Gardening

Angelina Cerqueira

94 Upper Tulse Hill,

London SW2 2RP

email: info@angeliccleaningltd.co.uk

website: www.angeliccleaning.co.uk

mob: 07556359109

Lambeth Council

Town Hall
London SW2 1RW

email: infoservice@lambeth.gov.uk
website: www.lambeth.gov.uk
tel: 020 7926 1000

Wandsworth Council

Town Hall
Wandsworth High Street
London SW18 2PU

website: www.wandsworth.gov.uk
tel: 020 8871 6000

Independent Specialist Surveys

45 Hill House
210 Upper Richmond Road
London SW15 6NP

Peter Cox Ltd

Unit 2
Sarum Complex
Salisbury Road
Uxbridge UB8 2RX

email: uxbridge@petercox.com
website: www.petercox.com
tel: 01895 813888

Proten Services Ltd

2a Cecil Avenue
Middlesex EN1 1PR

email: enfield@protenservices.co.uk
website: www.protenservices.co.uk
tel: 01225 447960

Preservation Treatments

Belmont House
Belmont Road
Camberley GU15 2NZ

ATP Renovations

Alastair Warren
48 Crownhill Road
NW10 4EB

email: alastair.p.warren@gmail.com
tel: 020 8965 3445
mobile: 07793 045443

RJ Builders

Rhodri James

email: rhodriljames@gmail.com
tel: 07796122404

Justin Mitchell

email: justelectricalltd@hotmail.co.uk
tel: 01372602650
mobile: 07947 128744

PSB Electrical Limited

Piotr Babinski

email: piotr@psb-electrical.co.uk
mobile: 07888 713309

RJ Builders

Rhodri James

email: rhodriljames@gmail.com
tel: 07796122404

Jonathan Lane Flowers & Gardens

Jonathan – Local Gardener
London SW

email: jlflowersandgardens@gmail.com
tel: 07414 274477

Kelmscott Home Improvement

6 Grange Mills
Weir Road
London SW12 0NE

email: info@khil.co.uk
website: www.khil.co.uk
tel: 0208 772 8191
mob: 07749540019


Bellevue House
Althorp Road
London SW17 7ED

email: bookings@multiserve.co.uk
website: www.multiserve.co.uk
tel: 02086827700

RJ Builders

Rhodri James

email: rhodriljames@gmail.com
tel: 07796122404

Culmax Glass Doors

Culmax Ltd
Unit 1
Victoria Industrial Estate
Victoria Road

email: sales@culmax.co.uk
website: www.culmax.co.uk
tel: 020 8896 0700

Shutter Frontier

Jane Garratt
2 Rosemary Farmhouse
Rosemary Lane

email: jane@shutterfrontier.co.uk
website: www.shutterfrontier.co.uk
mob: 07775 872142

Victoria Clark Interiors

Victoria Clark

Westminster Wealth Management

Danny McFarlane

email: danny.mcfarlane@westminster-wealth.com
website: www.westminster-wealth.com
tel: 020 7400 7192
mobile: 07977 138493

Formika Ltd

Naz Sinitovych
Formika Ltd
35 Prince of Wales Road
Sutton SM1 3PE

website: http://www.formika.co.uk
tel: 0208 013 9264
mobile: 07833 350224

Burke & Wills

John Wycliffe House
29 Deer Park Road
London SW19 3TL

email: info@burkeandwills.co.uk
website: www.burkeandwills.co.uk
tel: 020 8947 9001

Clockwork Removals

Unit 5
43 Weir Road
London SW18 8UG

Trek Removals

Unit 35A
Marsh Way
Fairview Industrial Park
RM13 8RH

email: info@trekremovals.com
website: www.trekremovals.com
tel: 0870 199 3410

Anthony Ward Thomas Removals

Walnut Tree House
58A Tregunter Road
London SW10 9HJ

email: info@ward-thomas.co.uk
website: www.ward-thomas.co.uk
tel: 020 7038 0449

Visual Unusual Ltd

Remis Brazionis
email: info@visualunusual.com
mob: 07792990131

TWM Solicitors

Claire Hastie
65 Woodbridge Road
Guildford GU1 4RD

email: claire.hastie@twmsolicitors.com

website: https://www.twmsolicitors.com
tel: : 01483 752891

William Heath & Co.

Gaia Lack
16 Sale Place
Sussex Gardens
London W2 1PX

email: gaia.lack@williamheath.co.uk
website: www.williamheath.co.uk
tel: 0207 402 3151

Gibson Young

Gauri Joshi
1 & 2 Crescent Stables
139 Upper Richmond Road
London SW15 2TN

Nexa Law

Samantha Hinton
Suite 2 Salop House
13 Salop Road
Oswestry, Shropshire SY11 2NR

website: www.nexa.law

tel: 020 7504 7071 ext. 2270
mobile: 07862 004 918

Sinclair Johnston

93 Great Suffolk Street

email: email@sinclairjohnston.co.uk
website: www.sinclairjohnston.co.uk
tel: 020 7593 1900

Residential Surveys and Valuations Ltd

Fraser Maldoom
Tooting Works (C016)
89 Bickersteth Road
London SW17 9SH

email: fraser@rsavl.co.uk
website: www.rsavl.co.uk
tel: 020 7112 7522
mob: 07738 252142

Morguard Building Surveyors

Rosanna Quaglieri
2-5 Croxted Mews,
286-288 Croxted Road,
London SE25 9DA

email: rosanna@morguard.co.uk
tel: 020 3662 6586
mob: 07900 882371

Mike Schendel

47 Huron Road
London SW17 8RE

email: info@selectsurv.co.uk
website: www.selectsurv.co.uk
mob: 07802 232531

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